Profile Overview
Head Movement Patterns (Level 2)
Nov 10, 12:00 am PST
Nov 10, 3:00 am EST
Led by: Devon Near-Hill

So you've mastered the 4 sides of balao, and now you want more? Head Movement Level II is coming soon with more combos, stretch & strength exercises and opportunities 4 for written personal feedback!
This class includes
-4 30 recorded and edited classes.
-4 written feedback opportunities
-1 15 min zoom technique check-in with Devon
-3 weight transfers
-Active Vs Passive
Intermediate Ratios
Patterns: line, square, basic front & back, cross body
Dance combination
Frango Asado
Training your frame- Learn how to work with extension and compression during head movement.
Working with resistance bands!
Advanced ratios.
Optional Homework
-Various recorded assignments will be available as opportunities for personal feedback.
But How do I learn a Social Dance By Myself?
One of the most important ways to train for social dancing is building solo technique. It’s my belief that a dancer should train as many movement pathways in their body as possible in order to prepare for partner dancing. The Efficient Follow is a series of workshops that uses solo exercises to build strength, proficiency and efficiency of solo movement. The nature of this series makes it perfect for the online platform. The goal of this course isn't to train zouk patterns, bur rather to prepare the body for safe movements and prepare the mind to identify and accurately execute the movement within zouk patterns.*
Is This Helpful for Leads?
Yes Absolutely!
A lead is an invitation to a movement. How can you lead someone to do something if you don’t understand the mechanics of what you’re leading? As leads, the more awareness we have about what we’re trying to lead, the more specific, comfortable and creative we can be.
Not to mention the perks of strength building and empathy creating.
For your safety, it's *recommended but not *required that you take level 1 before Level two.
If you are registered, you can access the course link, info, videos, and materials in the my profile section of the website.
Session 2 - HM 2.1
-3 weight transfers
-Active Vs Passive
Post your interpretation of the combination. (The combo from the beginning of the first class.)
-Post your best take
-Doesn't have to be "perfect"- we are all working!
-Under 1 min plz
-If you want to post without feedback just let me know in the body of your post.
Upload Here:
Session 3 - HM 2.2
Class 2
Intermediate Ratios
Patterns: line, square, basic front & back, cross body
Homework Assignment:
Any traveling head movement from EFO (lateral, half-turns, three-step-turn) followed by an ending in "lunge" aka abertura aka prep for simple turn.
Guidelines-15 to 60 seconds-Full body if possible.
Upload Here:
Session 4 - HM 2.3
Session 5 - HM 2.4
Training your frame- Learn how to work with extension and compression during head movement.
Working with resistance bands!
Advanced ratios.
Assignment: DANCE! 1-2 minutes of expression using the tools and technique from Levels I & II. You're invited to use variation in speed, direction, quality of movement, etc.
Upload Here: