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Remixing Head Movement- Level 3
It's time to get fancy.
Head Movement III, the ADVANCED course, focuses on tools to deconstruct complex head movements and remix timing and direction to express traditional brazilian zouk patterns creatively.
Available for 6 months!
Week 1- Rotations, Revolutions & Orbits
Harness the tools to break down any head movement! Playful movement-based exercises to help you cognitively and physically understand rotations on all planes. Seemingly challenging all patterns will become a piece of cake!
-Rotation, Revolution, Orbit
-Dissociation vs Association relative to the feet
-Remixed Frente e Trais
Week 2- Side Chicote Remix
In head movement I you learned "side chicote". As requested, we'll invert the movement as well as continue the circle to create a yummy swirling vortex. We'll also work on bonus variations with an inclination.
-Remixed Lateral & Simple turn
-Dive into this mergulho Sequence
-Inclined bonus
Week 3- Soltinho Remix
One of the most fun movements to explore solo is the soltinho in a box. Within the square pattern, we'll be remixing the relationship between the feet and the head.
-Remixed soltinho box
-Remixed basic changing directions and cross body lead
Week 4- Energia!
Express ENERGIA with powerful explosive movements while maintaining a healthy spine. Understand how velocity and intention pair with different parts of the spine in brazilian zouk.
-Deep cambre
-Toalha vs Tornado
2 hrs of highly edited bite-sized classes
4- (optional) homework assignments with opportunity for written individual feedback
1-**15 minute One-On-One feedback session with Devon
You have 180 days from purchasing to complete this course!
*Is This Helpful for Leads?
Yes Absolutely!
A lead is an invitation. The first step to accurate and safe leading is understanding the mechanics of the follow's movement. As a lead, the more awareness you have about what you're attempting to lead, the more precise, comfortable and creative you can be!
Not to mention the perks of strength building and fostering empathy.....
*Pre- Requisits
In order to sign up for this level, you must have completed head movement Level 1 or have attended a Reconstructing Head Movement Weekender. This is for the safety of your spine and optimal content absorption!
$90 for those who took Deconstructing Head Movement Live
$30 For folks re-taking the course.
Purchase this course for $110 when you leave a review on our facebook page (discount offer valid only once)